Partnerships and innovation 

Develop, implement and succeed in collaborations with the research and creation teams at UQAM. 

Become a partner 

Partnerships and Innovation Support Service (SePSI)

Public, parapublic, private or civil society organizations: contact SePSI. 

Community Service Office (SAC)

Women’s or community organizations, unions or other related non-government groups: contact SAC.   

Find an area of expertise 

Répertoire des professeurs

Directory of professors 

To find out more

Cartographie des expertises

Areas of expertise

Explorer l’écosystème de la Explore UQAM’s research and creation ecosystem.

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Do you need help or advice?

Speak with the partnership development consultant.

To find out more

Are you familiar with Mitacs

This national funding and development organization builds partnerships among academia, industry and the world to drive innovation in Canada. 

Get support and guidance with applying to Mitacs. 


Learn more about research and creation at UQAM